Our Team

Senior Embryologist

Nataliia Korotkevych

Nataliia Korotkevych as our Senior Embryologist, brings a wealth of expertise and experience to our team.

Nataliia's background includes 10 years of scientific experience in molecular immunology, cellular biology, and genetic engineering.

With a Ph.D. degree in biochemistry and over 7 years of practice in the embryo laboratory, she has become a distinguished professional in the field of reproductive medicine.

In the realm of embryology, Nataliia excels in a wide range of techniques, including oocyte retrieval, ICSI, sperm analysis and preparation, embryo culture, oocyte and embryo cryopreservation, and embryo biopsy. She possesses a deep understanding of quality control and quality assurance processes, ensuring that our laboratory adheres to the highest standards of excellence. Nataliia's expertise extends beyond technical skills, as she also has experience in laboratory management and team leadership, making her an invaluable asset to our clinic.

With an impressive professional background, Nataliia has held key positions at esteemed institutions, including being the Head of the embryology laboratory at the Institute for Planning Family (IPF) and ISIDA Clinic in Kyiv, Ukraine. She has also served as a Senior Embryologist at ISIDA Clinic and IVMED Fertility Centre in Kyiv.

Nataliia's dedication to advancing the field of reproductive medicine is evident through her active participation in conferences and workshops related to assisted reproductive technologies.

As a testament to her expertise, Nataliia has published over 40 scientific publications.

To learn more about Nataliia Korotkevych's work and expertise, you can visit her ResearchGate profile at researchgate.net/profile/Nataliia_Korotkevych.

Feel free to connect with her on LinkedIn at linkedin.com/in/nataliia-korotkevych-3273bab7 for further information.

At HOPE Fertility and IVF Clinic, Nataliia Korotkevych's expertise and dedication are instrumental in providing top-quality reproductive care and innovative solutions.