Our Services

Donor Egg and Sperm Treatments

Using Donor eggs

If you have been diagnosed with a condition affecting your egg quantity or quality you can still conceive and carry a pregnancy with the help of a donor egg. Our team at HOPE is here to guide and help you through your journey and we look forward to working with you to achieve your dream of becoming a parent.

Couple egg sharing/Donation

Some female single sex couples may prefer to use their partners eggs with donor sperm. Once an embryo is created, the embryo will be transferred into the recipient partner who will carry the pregnancy to term. We are here to fully support you in your journey to becoming parents and look forward to planning your treatment with us.

Using Donor Sperm

If you have been diagnosed with a condition affecting the sperm quantity or quality, you can still achieve your dream of parenthood through the use of donor sperm. Our team at HOPE is here to guide and help you through your journey and we look forward to working with you to achieve your dream of becoming a parent.

Treatments with donor sperm

If you decide to proceed with starting a family using donor sperm we are here to help. We offer a full range of tailored treatments to maximise your chances of success:

  • IUI (intrauterine Insemination)+_ OI (Ovulation Induction)

IUI is a procedure where donor sperm is prepared and injected directly into the woumb at the time of ovulation. Careful monitoring of the growth of your eggs and the lining of the woumb is performed. Depending on your case, we may use ovulation stimulating pills or medications to help you achieve ovulation at the correct time. The goal is to increase the number of sperm that reach the fallopian tubes at the correct time, and this in turn, increases the chances of fertilisation and pregnancy.

Why Choose Hope?

At Hope, 2 out of every 3 embryo transfers resulted in pregnancy.
75% of our patients have a successful pregnancy.
We offer our eligible patients multiple treatment attempts with a single payment and full reimbursement if pregnancy is not achieved.
All embryo transfers were performed on day 5.

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